Friday, 7 September 2012

The Year 5 and 6 Orchestra students had a concert at Papatoetoe West School. The year 7/8 Papatoetoe Intermediate played with us. The year 5/6 school Orchestra of Puhinui School played the Brass and Percussion. The year 5/6 school orchestra of Papatoetoe west school also played the Brass and Percussion. We had special student from the original Tironui Trust group Elizabeth Gaspar from St Marys College. Special thanks to our music teaches, who have prepared the students for their performance. And thank you to the people of the Tironui Trust for giving the students this opportunity. It was a wonderful performance. Here are some photos of the concert. By Quinton D4


  1. Wow, what an awesome opportunity for you guys. Sometimes we can hear you practising from B6 and you sound amazing.

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  3. I am sure you all played beautifully. Well done and keep practising.

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  5. That sound fun, and I hope you al had fun too. Also keep practising and you will get better.
